
In New York, queues lined up for COVID-19 testing points amid an increase in infections

In New York, queues lined up for COVID-19 testing points amid an increase in infections

Long lines of people wishing to be tested for coronavirus lined up at the testing sites deployed in the streets of New York. Mobile testing sites – a tent to take tests and a small lab in a van – have been operating in New York for more than a year, but in recent months they have been deserted.

Now dozens of people gather around them. New tents have been added to those that used to work. Near one of the main transportation hubs in downtown Manhattan, the Grand Central, there are three mobile testing sites at a couple of dozens of meters.

People who come to them tell similar stories: some felt sick at the weekend or in the morning and decided to take the test, some had their acquaintances test positive. “My friend was vaccinated and was about to get a booster shot, but he tested positive after coming in contact with a coronavirus patient. I’m also vaccinated and feeling good so far, but I decided to get tested, too,” said one of the women waiting in line.

New York City has seen a spike in infections since the emergence of the Omicron strain. Last Friday marked the highest increase in infections in the state in the entire pandemic, with 21,027 cases.

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