A wildfire in Texas has become the second largest ever recorded in the state

One of the wildfires in Texas, in Hutchinson County, has covered more than 200 thousand hectares. The forest fire, named Smokehouse Creek, became the second largest in the history of observations in Texas.

The fire has not yet been localized. There is a possibility that the fire will continue to spread. Residents of nearby areas have been evacuated.

According to the Texas Forest Service, the largest forest fire was a fire near the city of Amarillo in 2006, which destroyed more than 360 thousand hectares of land.

On February 28, Texas Governor Greg Abbott declared a state of emergency in 60 counties due to wildfires. According to the Texas Forest Service, the largest fire was recorded in Hutchinson County. No injuries were reported.

The Pantex nuclear weapons plant has suspended operations in Texas due to nearby wildfires.

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