Overeating watermelon is deadly for people with weakened kidneys

On the pages of the prestigious journal Annals of Internal Medicine there are reports on three scientific studies proving the potential danger to life of ordinary watermelon. It turns out that this berry can pose a serious threat to people with weakened kidneys. Medics have already recorded several cases when people ended up in intensive care due to the fault of juicy ripe watermelon after they did not have the strength to refuse a few slices.

According to medical experts, about 14% of the population of the United States suffer from various kidney diseases. The problem is that only one in ten of them knows they are sick. Usually, people find out about their kidney failure when the symptoms become obvious. In addition, people think watermelon is a perfectly safe food, knowing that it is 92% water. Meanwhile, watermelons are rich in potassium – which is both good and not so good.

In general, potassium is vital for humans. It ensures the normal functioning of cells, muscles and nerves. It is also essential for maintaining fluid levels in cells. It is important that its level in the blood is within the range of 3.60 – 5.20 mmol / l. The most dangerous is a significant excess of this value, called hyperkalemia. Its mild form has no symptoms, but the severe form can provoke failures of heart rhythm and even paralysis.

At risk are people suffering from kidney disease – in them the organ does not cope with the removal of excess potassium from the body. Medics recommend that they be very careful when eating watermelon. It should be remembered that its average slice contains more than one and a half daily doses of potassium. At the same time, WHO recommends that people without renal dysfunction, on the contrary, increase the use of potassium. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reducing blood pressure and the risk of stroke.

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