A new-generation supersonic commercial airplane has made its first test flight

The retirement of the Concorde in November 2003 was not the end of the era of supersonic passenger aviation. Its continuation is only a matter of time. March 22 in the aerospace port of Mojave, California took place the first flight of Boom XB-1 – a prototype of the future supersonic commercial aircraft company Overture.

In the United States, several private companies and NASA are now working on the realization of civil supersonic projects. The benefit is obvious – supersonic environmentally safe commercial airliners will be able to deliver passengers and cargo faster, especially since today there are enough people who are ready to pay for it.

Characteristics of the prototype: length – 19 meters, wingspan – 6 meters. It is equipped with three GE J85-15 engines, developing thrust of 5580 kg. The flight took place at an altitude of 2170 meters at a speed of 440 km / h.

If the prototype is successful, the developers will continue to work on improving its performance – in particular, bringing the speed to supersonic. The XB-1 will be equipped with an augmented reality system, a body and air intakes made of carbon composite, which slows down the oncoming airflow to the desired speed, allowing the use of conventional jet engines.

The XB-1 will help Overture develop a supersonic jetliner designed to carry 80 passengers at 2030 kilometers per hour.

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