Trump intends to create an online university in the US with free tuition

Former U.S. President Donald Trump, if re-elected in the elections of 2024, plans to “revolutionize” higher education and establish an online university, which will be free for students.

Trump will talk about his project in a campaign video. The university will be called “American Academy”, it will be financed from the federal budget. To sponsor his project, the politician proposes to tax the funds of large private universities, such as Harvard. Education at the university will be free and will help those who have dropped out of school – there are more than 40 million such people in the United States.

At the university, there will be “no manifestations of leftism or jihadism.” “We can’t have that,” said Trump, who also said the US “spends more money on higher education than any other country.”

Under the former president’s plans, the academy would give students credit for courses previously taken at other institutions and issue diplomas that would be quoted for hiring at federal agencies.

Trump campaign officials said they have not yet decided who will oversee the new university. The plan is to have the university overseen by state agencies, a presidentially appointed board or a commission funded by a private organization.

The idea contrasts with U.S. President Joe Biden’s plan for free tuition, which is to essentially cancel hundreds of millions of dollars in student loan debt. It’s a different path. We need to provide affordable college options without spending many trillions of dollars.

Trump will have to get congressional support for his project.

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