Virologists uncovered another consequence of the coronavirus

Virologists uncovered another consequence of the coronavirus

Those who have contracted COVID-19 often lose weight, and it’s mostly a reduction in muscle mass. When a person gets sick and lies down for a long time, it always leads to weight loss. The body loses mostly muscle tissue and water, not fat. So there is no way to suggest coronavirus as a good tool for weight loss.

When people are so severely ill, their temperature rises and you can literally lose seven kilos in two or three days, and who had a high initial weight, there and all ten.

According to WHO, there are almost 425 million cases of coronavirus in the world, of which more than 5.8 million have not been saved. Most cases have been recorded in the United States, India, Brazil and the United Kingdom.

Immunization remains the most reliable means of protection. As of today, 82.6 million Russians have been fully vaccinated with two doses; the level of collective immunity is estimated to be 59.7 percent.

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