
Unusual Cryptide sneakers leave the footprints of a mythical beast on the ground

Unusual Cryptide sneakers leave the footprints of a mythical beast on the ground

German designer Stefan Henrich presented a sample of a completely new type of shoe, which is entirely printed on a 3D printer. The model is called Cryptide. Its performance properties are unknown, but this is more than compensated by the original design.

In fact, Cryptide is first of all an advertising idea. Its main purpose is to demonstrate the new Sintratec S2 3D printing system. It can work with a special rubber-like TPE elastomer whose parameters flexibly vary depending on the task at hand.

In particular, the Cryptide body is made of a thin, porous and almost weightless shell around the foot, while the sole is made of thick elastic elements that can absorb a large amount of energy when the weight of the human body is transferred to them.

In fact, Cryptide is primarily an advertising idea. Its main purpose is to demonstrate the new Sintratec S2 3D printing system. It can work with a special rubber-like TPE elastomer, the parameters of which vary flexibly depending on the task at hand.

In particular, the Cryptide body is made of a thin, porous and almost weightless shell around the foot, while the sole is made of thick elastic elements that can absorb a large amount of energy when the weight of the human body is transferred to them.

As Henrich explained, a three-dimensional scan of the foot is carried out first, based on which a personal pair of shoes is made. To hold it securely on the foot, a strap has to be attached, plus the movement will require some training.

The fact is that instead of a solid sole, the front of the shoe is made as a series of plates located along each toe. They provide not only high shock absorption during movement, but also leave a characteristic trace of “mythical beast’s paw” on the ground, which the designer is obviously proud of. Alas, the funny Cryptide is unlikely to reach serial production.

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