
Simple ways to slow down aging after 50 years old are named

As we age, our body undergoes serious changes. It is impossible to stop aging, but it is possible to slow it down. It’s not that hard to do, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

After the age of 50, your body naturally undergoes physical changes both inside and out. While there is no way to stop these changes, it is possible to make some lifestyle adjustments to slow down aging in a healthy way.

If you pay attention to the regions with the longest life expectancy, you’ll notice that the people who live there have many habits in common, especially those related to nutrition. For example, they eat a lot of plant-based foods, whole grains and fiber-rich foods, and limit their consumption of processed foods.

Knowing these patterns, we asked medical board member Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, author of The First-Time Pregnancy Cookbook and Enhancing Male Fertility, to give us her advice on easy changes you can make to your routine to slow the aging process after age 50.

By incorporating more collagen into our daily routine, we can help our skin look younger, according to Manaker. Sometimes the easiest way to do this is to take a pill or use a cream.

“Although results may vary, taking extra collagen can help fight the natural progression of aging in our skin,” Manaker says. – As we age, we lose collagen, so replenishing it externally can help slow down skin aging.”

A popular food mentioned in conversations about healthy aging is fish. Fatty fish has been shown to help reduce the risk of age-related diseases and promote heart health because of its high omega-3 fatty acid content.

“Seafood consumption is associated with many benefits for seniors, including reduced mortality from Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer,” Manaker says. – “Eating fish also benefits brain health and cognitive function, which deteriorates with age.

One thing many people often forget to do is eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. Manaker argues that eating plenty of these nutrient-rich foods can help slow the aging process.

“Following a healthy and balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can promote healthy cellular aging in women, so snacking on foods that include them, such as smoothies or vegetables with hummus, is an easy way to replenish needed vitamins and beneficial elements,” Manaker says.

Finally, if you have a bad habit like smoking, unfortunately, you’re only speeding up the body’s aging process.

“Although quitting smoking is not easy, it is one step toward slowing down the aging process because smoking contributes to the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. In addition, nicotine can negatively affect blood flow to skin cells, making the habit bad for skin health,” notes Manaker.

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