NYPD intends to use drones for extreme weather warnings

The NYPD intends to make extensive use of UAVs as a means of warning of emergencies related to sudden changes in the weather.

The reason for this was the extreme weather conditions due to the rains that hit New York City in the past how many weeks. After that, the police began testing an emergency alert system using “audio drones”. In particular, they report on areas of the city where weather anomalies are expected, warn residents of possible flooding and urge them to stay home or seek shelter if possible. At the same time, the drones will only be used when there is no power or communication.

However, the NYPD has an unexpected problem, as the use of drones violates the Postal Act, which requires that three months before deploying UAVs, the town’s residents’ opinions be solicited about it. It was not without its skeptics. For example, Albert Fox Kahn, executive director of surveillance technology oversight, expressed doubts about the effectiveness of using thousands of “alert” drones, as the NYPD has many alternative notification channels at its disposal – including push notifications for cell phones.

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