
NASA wants to prepare people for life on Mars

NASA wants to prepare people for life on Mars

NASA is following two Englishmen as they travel across Antarctica as part of the “Chasing the Light” mission. They are Justin Paxhaw and Jamie Facer Childs, who will cover a total distance of 3,650 kilometers. The U.S. agency believes it can better prepare people to survive on Mars this way.

Mars is a cold and barren planet that no human has yet set foot on. That, too, will change over time. When NASA sends its first astronauts there, it wants to be sure of what they can handle. So the agency decided to follow two British explorers as they travel to Antarctica.

We’re talking about Justin Paxhaw and Jamie Feisser Childs, who are on an 80-day journey across Antarctica. During that time, they will cover a total distance of 3,650 kilometers. This is part of the Chasing the Light mission, an expedition designed to help space agencies assess the ability of humans to survive in a harsh environment.

The men will face very harsh weather conditions. This includes strong winds that reach speeds of up to 320 kilometers per hour. Justin Packshaw and Jamie Face Childs have special handheld devices that will provide valuable data.

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