Gigapixel microscope will capture 3D photos and videos with fantastic detail

Gigapixel microscope will capture 3D photos and videos with fantastic detail

The incredible camera was developed by Duke University. Its power is based on the use of 54 different lenses, each capturing the same object from a different angle. All the resulting images are then combined into a single image with gigapixel resolution.

It’s 50 to 100 times more detailed than a consumer smartphone camera, and at least 10 times more detailed than a premium camera.

Such a photographic array makes it possible to create high-quality 3D images of any objects. Thanks to this, it is possible to detect details that are inaccessible when photographing with classic cameras. Moreover, the array allows you to record three-dimensional video clips.

Such videos create certain problems because of terabyte size of files – to level them, it was necessary to develop algorithms on the basis of machine learning, providing more effective data processing.