
Biden was accused of trying to shift the responsibility for rising gasoline prices to Russia

Biden was accused of trying to shift the responsibility for rising gasoline prices to Russia

President Joe Biden’s words that Russia is allegedly responsible for high gasoline prices on the U.S. market have caused a wave of indignation among Americans.

On Tuesday, journalists asked the president to comment on the situation with fuel prices in the United States. Biden said the cost would go up, and there was “nothing he personally can do about it, as all the responsibility now lies with Russia.”

Social media users recalled that in the summer of 2020, then-presidential candidate Biden promised voters in his personal Twitter account that, unlike Donald Trump, he would do his job and take full responsibility, not blame others.

Benny Johnson posted a screenshot of two juxtaposed statements by the head of the White House. The publication found popularity among subscribers and currently has several thousand likes and almost a thousand reposts.

The day before, Biden announced a ban on Russian energy imports. The president acknowledged that because of the sanctions against Russia, gasoline prices in the U.S. will increase. At the same time, gasoline prices in the U.S. have already reached an all-time high, exceeding $4.17 per gallon.

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