
In the White House condemned Trump’s dinner with Nick Fuentes

In the White House condemned Trump's dinner with Nick Fuentes

The White House has joined some Republicans in criticizing former President Donald Trump for dining with white supremacy advocate Nick Fuentes.

White House spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre told reporters she would not comment on every move by Trump, who announced this month that he would run for president again, while noting that it was crucial to condemn such behavior.

“There’s just no place in our society for such disgusting forces,” she said, speaking at a press briefing. – When you say these things, when you don’t speak out against such toxic and dangerous remarks, it’s also incredibly dangerous in and of itself.”

Trump said the meeting with Fuentes, which took place at a club he owns in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, was unintentional but drew criticism from fellow Republicans, including Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, who accused Trump of indulging extremists.

Earlier this month, Trump said he plans to seek the Republican nomination to run for president again in 2024, though he may face rivals, including from Florida Governor Ron Desantis.

The Justice Department has characterized Fuentes as a supporter of white supremacy. He, among other things, attended the Jan. 6, 2021 rally in Washington, D.C., that preceded the attack by Trump supporters on the Capitol.

The Anti-Defamation League said Fuentes once “jokingly denied the Holocaust and compared Jews burned in concentration camps to cookies in the oven.”

On Sunday, the White House had already criticized Trump’s dinner with Fuentes, saying that “bigotry, hatred and anti-Semitism have absolutely no place in America, including Mar-a-Lago.”

But Jean-Pierre went even further, stressing that everyone has an obligation to speak out against Holocaust deniers and others who hold such views.

“We must all condemn it, and we must speak out about it with absolute clarity,” she said.

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